Archives for January 2011

Treatment Of Hypertension- Exercise and Workout


It is important that you do some exercise regularly to keep your heart pumping and lower fat and cholesterol levels. Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to go since it works out your heart and burns a lot of fat and extra calories.

Exercising Regularly

Do some running, cycling, jogging, swimming or stair climbing 2 to 4 times every week for 30 to 60 minutes per session. You should also do weight or resistance training 2 to 3 times every week to burn more fat and boost your metabolism. Stretch and cool down after each workout.

The Right Activity – Workout

Squeeze in a workout even for just 30 minutes even if you have a busy schedule. Burn extra calories by making small changes like choosing the stairs over the elevator and walking to work instead of taking the bus. Take time to work out even in the smallest ways to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Selva Sugunendran

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Treatment Of Hypertension Through Drugs & Diet – Good & Bad Foods

The Good and Bad Foods

Stay away from foods that are high in fat and cholesterol, like fried chicken, organ meats, hamburgers, fatty steaks, junk food, soda, other fried foods, processed goods and meats and those high in preservatives. These food sources tend to let fat stick to the walls of your blood vessels, thereby narrowing the available space for blood to conveniently pass through. A lot of fast foods are unhealthy, so make sure you read the labels or count the calories first before you consume anything. When buying at the grocery store, read the label and stick to foods that have healthy or normal levels.

The Right Pick

Good foods are those that help you lower and maintain healthy blood pressure level. Most of these are natural and inexpensive, like fruits, vegetables, lean cuts of meat, chicken and fish, tofu, skim milk and water. Drink a lot of water throughout the day to cleanse your system. You should also eat more of the fruits that have antioxidant properties like berries. Nuts also help lower cholesterol levels. The most ideal ones include almonds and cashew. Choose whole wheat bread over white and brown rice over white rice.

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