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Some of the articles published by Selva Sugunendran is listed below:

Selva Sugunendran – Expert Author

Selva Sugunendran CEng,MIEE,MCMI,CHt,MIMDHA,MBBNLP is an Integrated Systems Business Consultant, Internet Marketer, Social Media Evangelist Master NLP Practitioner. He originally qualified in the UK with a degree in Electronics Engineering. He subsequently became a professional Chartered Engineer as well as a Chartered Manager. He worked for major organizations in the UK including GEC, Plessy, Racal, EMI and Thorn. He held senior Management positions including General Manager status within the EMI organisation. In … [More]

Dangers of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) While Obese and Diabetic [Health-and-Fitness:Hypertension] Although hypertension may occur singly, people do not know that other underlying causes can also trigger the disease. In particular, diabetes and obesity are two of the major cases that seem to have a direct relationship with the onset of high blood pressure. You have to determine the factors that trigger the symptoms, and find the right preventive measures.

How to Live With Heart Failure [Health-and-Fitness:Heart-Disease] A number of people have experienced heart failure. Heart failure does not necessarily mean that the heart is unable to pump blood anymore, but rather, it means that the heart will experience certain problems when it comes to supplying and pumping blood into your system.

Diagnosing Heart Diseases – Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease [Health-and-Fitness:Heart-Disease] Although a number of people may think that they know enough to be able to diagnose themselves, the truth of the matter is that you cannot really diagnose yourself as to whether you have a heart disease or not, nor can anybody else who is not actually qualified to perform a diagnosis. There is actually a lot of training needed in diagnosing heart disease. Here are some things that are involved when diagnosing a person with a heart disease.

Children With Diabetes – Causes, Symptoms and Management [Health-and-Fitness:Diabetes] Diabetes occurs in individuals of any age. More than 13,000 kids in the United States have type 1 diabetes.

How Students and Teenagers Can Make Money Fast Online [Internet-and-Businesses-Online] Students and teenagers are not normally on permanent employment, but most of them need even a small weekly or monthly income to support their social life. Since most youngsters nowadays spend their free time in front of their computers, they can try some of the proven ways to make money fast online.

What is Diabetes? – An Overview Including Types of Diabetes and Complications [Health-and-Fitness:Diabetes] Diabetes is a common disease, but not all individuals truly know the features and characteristics of the condition. Knowing the triggers and potential risks can help you get rid of the problem, as well as find the right measures that will hopefully minimize the chances.

Future Prospects and Advances in Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Research [Health-and-Fitness:Hypertension] Hypertension cannot be fully treated once a person has it. The good news is that there are several anti hypertensive drugs available today. You can also get rid of the symptoms of High Blood Pressure for several months or years, as long as you follow a sound plan and regimen. There are plenty of available sources on the internet, or you can consult some of the experts and doctors you know about the latest trends and products.

Make Money Online Fast by Establishing a Good E-Business [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] Marketing your own business online is one of the fastest-growing and most profitable ventures you can go into these days. True, it is a great way for a wannabe entrepreneur like you to put up a small business without the need for big startup capital. Best part is, you can expect big profit margins and you can get your business up and running in just a few days.

Causes of High Blood Pressure and How it is Investigated [Health-and-Fitness:Hypertension] Millions of individuals all over the globe have high blood pressure (otherwise known as hypertension) and for various reasons. It is very important that you know the risk factors and triggers, so that you can carry out the necessary precautions to keep your blood level at normal levels. You may notice several symptoms, depending on your condition and other underlying cases. Here are some more guidelines.

Causes of Heart Failure [Health-and-Fitness:Heart-Disease] As we age, our body experiences a lot of changes, some of them could be good, while others could be bad, all depending on how well you were able to take care of your body. The more you abuse your body early on in life, then the more problems and complications that you will have to contend with as your body succumbs to the wear and tear that it was subjected to.

Make Money Online and Work From Home [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] These days, you will rarely find a stay-at-home mom who is just taking care of the kids, doing household chores and buying groceries. Because of the financial constraints most Americans are facing these days, only few families are enjoying the luxury of surviving on just a single salary. This is exactly the reason why more and more moms decide to work from home and make money online.

Make Money Fast Online Through Working As a Freelancer [Internet-and-Businesses-Online] With the growing popularity of the Internet, almost everyone (especially those who spend most of their time in front of the computer) become aware of the many possibilities to make money fast online. But of course, no matter what method you choose, you can’t earn your much-needed income overnight.

Obesity and Its Associated Heart Risks [Health-and-Fitness:Obesity] Obesity is a disorder that is increasing in epidemic proportions, especially in the industrialized world. It’s a disorder that is defined as simply having too much body fat. Because our body is made up generally of water, fat, protein and carbohydrates, as well as a varied array of proteins, vitamins and minerals, if we have too much fat, particularly in the belly and waist area, we’re definitely at greater risk of additional health complications, which include high cholesterol levels, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes as well.

Obesity Health Risks and Serious Consequences [Health-and-Fitness:Obesity] People might think that the only negative thing that could happen from becoming obese is that you simply lose your looks or your attractiveness to some people. This may be one of the effects of obesity, but this is actually not the only negative effect of obesity on people.

Health and Fitness – How a Healthy Diet Helps You Live Longer [Health-and-Fitness] The rise in the number of people developing disorders such as obesity, heart disease and other frightening health ailments is a very alarming trend. As our fast-paced lifestyles and fast-food mentality has made us overweight or stressed out, the question we need to ask ourselves is, “what is the best way for living a healthier and longer life?”. Could a healthy and balanced diet spare you from such menacing health disorders…

Lose Weight and Start Living [Health-and-Fitness] One of the things that could hinder you from living a long, healthy and fun life is your weight. If you are obese, then there are a lot of things that you are limited to doing. Obesity not only affects what activities you are able to do, but also how you feel about yourself. Losing weight is not that difficult to do, especially if you have already set your mind to it. Here are a couple of things that could help guide you into losing weight..

Asthma – What is Allergy Asthma? [Health-and-Fitness:Asthma] Asthma is a very common condition that millions of individuals have all over the world. You will find that the problem can also disappear for several years or permanently with the right measures and approaches. You should first understand what the problem is about and get to know the processes that trigger it. Here is some more information to help you.

Diabetes Dangers – The Different Complications of Diabetes [Health-and-Fitness:Diabetes] Diabetes mellitus, or diabetes, is a health disorder that is brought about by abnormal blood sugar levels, due to the body not producing enough insulin hormones, or because the body fails to respond to insulin. Once blood sugar enters the bloodstream, the pancreas begins to manufacture insulin, which plays a major role in moving sugar from the blood stream into the cells, where they are converted into energy….

Weight Loss & Exercise – Losing Your Body Weight Through Exercise [Health-and-Fitness:Exercise] A number of people know that it is easier to gain the pounds than to take them off. This is probably one of the reasons why so many obese people out there do not even try to make an attempt to lose the excess pounds off their bodies. They simply live with their condition and body.

Natural Allergy Asthma – Symptoms and Diagnosis of Asthma [Health-and-Fitness:Allergies] Asthma has a number of symptoms that are quite similar to other respiratory problems. You may not have experienced the problem before, but there are several factors that can trigger it.

High Blood Pressure and Its Relation to Diabetes, Obesity & Exercise [Health-and-Fitness:Hypertension] By conventional medical definition, blood pressure is defined as the force of blood against the arteries when the heart beats, as well as when the heart rests. Blood pressure is generally measured in mm Hg, or millimeters of mercury. Among the risk factors that heighten the onset of high blood pressure include lifestyle factors such as smoking, obesity, an unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol intake, high cholesterol level…

Asthma Treatment – Drugs Used in Treatment of Asthma [Health-and-Fitness] Some people can have asthma from the time they are born up to the rest of their lives. There are, however, several medications that can alleviate the symptoms or can completely lead to a relapse. Asthma can be treated or healed effectively using the right drugs and natural approaches. You have to know the nature and side effects of each to stay safe and avoid very untoward results. Here is some more information about treatment.

Child Obesity – Consequences of Obesity and Parents Guide [Health-and-Fitness:Obesity] A number of children have abused their bodies and their health, but don’t even know that they are doing so. They simply eat a lot of fast foods that they want to eat without even thinking what effect it would have on their body and weight. Some would even opt to not do any physical exercises or physically demanding activities, but instead, they would rather just spend their time in front of the TV or computer.

What Causes Asthma? The Causes and Triggers of Asthma [Health-and-Fitness:Asthma] There is no known cause of asthma. Some people are simply born with the condition. You can get rid of the environmental factors, however, by knowing where these are and doing the necessary steps to avoid them completely. The triggers of asthma will differ among individuals, depending on their physical traits and other limiting factors.

Natural Asthma Treatment – Prevention and Self-Help For Asthmatics [Health-and-Fitness:Asthma] The best way to avoid the symptoms of asthma is to know the triggers and causes. You can then develop and devise ways on how you can prevent the problem completely. Patients should be vigilant and disciplined in their routines so they do not have to deal with the severe effects of the condition. You will find that you can get rid of the problem for several years or permanently by taking a number of natural and healthy steps.

Child Obesity and What Parents Can Do [Health-and-Fitness:Obesity] Child obesity is one of the most rampant and widespread problems that are affecting both children and adolescents in the country today. It can actually have a major negative influence on your child’s life and growth, especially since it can increase your child’s risk of acquiring a number of health-related problems. Aside from that, your child could also develop certain social and emotional trauma/ problems…

Online Business Management [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] The success of your online business depends on how it is managed. This is why more and more business owners are struggling to properly manage the various facets of their business. Here are some tips: 1. Monitor your money. Make sure you know where your money is being used and how helpful those expenditures are in generating profit. It is advisable that you monitor your cash flow on a daily basis.

Obesity Health Risk – Heart Disease, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure [Health-and-Fitness:Obesity] Obesity is a worrisome epidemic, that’s spreading like wildfire in the industrialized world today. The more obese or overweight a person becomes, the more he or she is likely to develop a wide array of associated health problems. According to health experts, mild obesity involves having a body mass index or BMI of 30+, while morbidly obese individuals have a BMI of 40+, and malignantly obese people have a BMI of 50+….Read More.

Online Business Resources [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] For your business to succeed, you need to come up with a well thought-out business plan. It is also important that an entrepreneur identifies and takes advantage of all available resources for the business to grow and survive. Among these resources are technical, and online resources. There are also the so-called intangible resources, which involve the character of the businessman and how he or she views the business, employees, customers and suppliers.

Setting Up Online Business [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] So you think your product or service is starting to give you a good stream of income? Why not think of expanding your market and go online? Even without a website, you can start setting up an online business through auction sites like eBay and Amazon. Of course, you need to work hard at first but if you do it right, you can just sit back and relax while watching your money roll in.

How to Be a Winner Through Personal Empowerment – 10 Olympic Values to Live By [Self-Improvement:Empowerment] Olympians are referred to as among the most successful and disciplined individuals on earth for several good reasons. However, you do not need to be an Olympian to become successful in your own challenges in life. You can reach your goals in every aspect by sticking to the same values that champions live by.

Olympic Success – Applying the Olympic Psyche to Your Winning Online Marketing Plan [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] One needs to develop a very competitive and persevering attitude to be truly successful. There are hundreds of thousands of affiliates out there who intend to take a piece of the market, so you have to stay alert and watch out for opportunities.

Olympian Artistry and Technique – Learning From the Olympics to Create a Successful Twitter Strategy [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Social-Networking] People can learn a lot from the Olympians. You will find that a lot of the approaches and strategies that professional athletes do in the game can be applied in real life situations. In business, the technique and art can be very formidable when used correctly and at the right time.

Best Online Secrets [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] More and more people are logging on to the Internet everyday. Many of these people are taking into account the probability that an online business opportunity can help them create a steady stream of income even by working from home. While it is good news that the country is now starting to stand up after being heavily pulled downward by the past economic recession, most of us still need additional monthly income.

Online Business Guide [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] With the Internet-enabled world we have these days, it is no wonder that making money online is fast becoming a trend especially to the younger generation and internet savvy individuals. It has, in fact, become a stream of additional income to those who lose their jobs because of the ongoing economic recession. While making money online is easier said than done, it is always achievable especially if you put enough time and effort into it.

The Sporting Philosophy – How to Live a Happy and Fulfilled Life [Self-Improvement:Happiness] Happiness is a very subjective matter. Some people can simply be fulfilled by being themselves and staying in their comfort zone. Others relate happiness with success and showing that they can leave something on earth for others to look up to in the future. You might want to relate to some of the greatest figures in sports history to realize that you might just have everything you need to be truly happy and successful.

The Olympian Work Ethics and the Success of Your Social Network Marketing Business [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Social-Media] Olympians have always been known to be determined, disciplined and unwavering especially during the most challenging times. The same principles apply when starting your own Social Network Marketing. You will discover that there are several circumstances wherein you need to take on the work ethics of an Olympian to successfully garner sales and make your business last. It will, of course, require some time and patience to begin with.

Pay Per Click Profits (PPC) – How to Utilize Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing For Profit [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:PPC-Advertising] Unlike other Internet marketing strategies to generate profit for an online business, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) shows more promise of success. According to experts, PPC offers a business or an individual a cost-effective approach to marketing their venture to the online public, minimizing cost and maximizing exposure on the World Wide Web. This article explains and covers what PPC is,Understanding the needs of your market, tracking your leads and very importantly avoiding mistakes that could prove very expensive indeed.

Successful PPC Online Business – Everything You Need to Know About PPC For Online Success [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:PPC-Advertising] Internet Marketing is tricky at best; there are plenty of strategies you can utilize for the improvement of your online business to generate traffic. Search Engine Optimization, Web Video Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing all contribute to traffic improvement in one way or the other. But if you check out the current online business trend, you will see that a high conversion rate follows Pay-Per-Click.

Successful Affiliate Marketing – Tips to Be a Super Affiliate in Online Business Marketing [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Affiliate-Revenue] What is the difference between an affiliate marketer and a super affiliate? Well, its simple, the huge gap of income they both generate for their online business. Affiliate marketers do earn big in their own online venture, but super affiliate treats it a bit different that is why they rake in tons of cash in just a short period of time.

Profitable Online Affiliate Business – Emergency Tips to Bring Up the Productivity in Business [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Affiliate-Revenue] Even if affiliate marketing is an online business that spells the most amount of profit for entrepreneurs, there might come a time that its productivity and profit might go down that may result in a disaster if not abated. Keep in mind that there is a strict competition on Internet-based business and your competition is doing their best to bring you down to rake the profit all to themselves.

Affiliate Partners Revenue – Making More Money Out of Your Affiliate Marketing Business [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Affiliate-Revenue] Having your own extended list of customers doesn’t necessarily mean that you will reap large amounts of profits in your affiliate marketing business. There might come a time that going solo might not yield the expected sum that you initially set as your goal. But if you want to take affiliate marketing to another level, then you need to look for an affiliate partner to help you in your road to success.

Getting Unlimited Buyers Under Your Online Business Easily – Affiliate Marketing 101 [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Affiliate-Revenue] One of the main problems faced by an affiliate marketer is the lack of buyers to their offers. Anyone in this line of business would want to get as much traffic into their site, but would prefer to have them as buyers to get as much profit out of it without emptying their marketing budget.

Tripling Your Conversion – Internet Marketing Strategies That Help Triple Your Conversion [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] Tripling your conversion rate is no easy feat even for a talented and experienced Internet marketer. Despite the fact that the World Wide Web hosts millions of potential clients and customers for your online business, you need to consider that there are other businesses out there targeting the same market as you do.

Free Traffic Guide For Internet Marketers – Turn a Website Into a Powerhouse [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Traffic-Building] Generating traffic to your website is a very important factor to consider. For a Webmaster or a site owner, you can take your time in boosting your site’s online coverage to boost its traffic. But as an Internet marketer, it is essential that you know the basics, as well as the advanced strategies, to boost the productivity of your client’s sites for a successful practice — as well as boosting your popularity as an expert in the industry.

The Advantages of Using Live Steaming Videos As Internet Marketing Strategy [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Internet-Marketing] Streaming video is the latest craze in the online world. Many find it convenient to watch their favorite videos online through a player embedded on a site without having to download it on their respective computers. Many have tried using this convenient Web tool as a means to promote their online businesses — specifically as an Internet marketing strategy for success and profit.

Eight Major Tips to Increase Your Blog Traffic [Internet-and-Businesses-Online:Blogging] Blogging is the latest trend in the online world. It gives everyone the chance to easily share their information to the Internet public without having to resort to investing in a domain name or paying up Web developers to come up with working website.