What Causes Asthma?

There is no known cause of asthma. Some people are simply born with the condition. You can get rid of the environmental factors, however, by knowing where these are and doing the necessary steps to avoid them completely. The triggers of asthma will differ among individuals, depending on their physical traits and other limiting factors.

1. Genetic or Environmental

Asthma can be triggered by either genetic or environmental factors. The condition can be influenced in terms of severity and the patient’s response to medication. A number of genetic and environmental factors have also been discovered through research. Others contributing factors are not yet fully understood. The upper airway is responsible for determining if the lungs can tolerate stress and other dangers. Otherwise, it will shut down the airway to prevent further damage and stress. Asthma is known to be an evolutionary defence. Taking out airborne pollutants can be highly successful in minimizing the condition.

2. Environmental Influence

Several environmental risk factors are linked with the development of asthma and the morbidity among kids. Some are discovered to be well-replicated or include a meta-analysis of many studies to support the direct link. Environmental tobacco smoke or maternal cigarette smoking is related to the high risk of asthma prevalence and morbidity, respiratory infections and wheezing. Low air quality, because of high ozone levels and traffic pollution are also highly associated with asthma. Some studies show that the disease and exacerbation of the condition can be caused by outdoor air pollutants.

3. More Causes

Caesarean sections have also been linked with asthma. There is actually a 20% increased risk among children delivery via C-section, compared to babies who were born vaginally. The modified bacterial exposure during C-section may have triggered the abnormality, since it also alters the immune system. Psychological stress has also been known to trigger asthma. Stress actually changes the immune system and causes it to boost the magnitude of the airway inflammation response to irritants and allergens.

Viral respiratory infections during childhood can actually help the individual develop a stronger immune system to stay protected against asthma. The protection also varies depending on the genetic traits of the person.

4. On Medications

The use of antibiotics during childhood has been connected to the development of asthma in different examples. It is believed that antibiotics can make a person highly vulnerable to asthma development as they change the gut flora, including the immune system. The hygiene hypothesis refers to the cause of asthma, plus other allergic illnesses. It is also backed by epidemiologic evidence for asthma. All items can negatively affect exposure to good bacteria, plus other immune system modulators that are essential during the development process. The risk for getting allergies and asthma then increases.

5. About Genes

There are more than 100 genes that are linked with asthma within a minimum of one genetic association study. The research should be repeated to make sure that the findings are not related to chance. 25 genes have recently been linked to asthma in 6 or more unique populations.

Selva Sugunendran has published a number of Books on Health Matters.
Visit the following website today to obtain a 100 page EBook that you could download immediately. This Ebook is a result of extensive research done by someone who himself suffered from this disease for 40 years. You will find everything you need to understand asthma and to take action to control the attacks using natural remedies:

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